
For some, fishing is more about the location and experience than it is about the fish. The hardcore surf fishermen of the eastern shore might fall into this. The remote and ever changing islands and beaches of the barrier islands provide a close to home escape.

A special breed of anglers reside on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia. Anglers who endure the elements to get where they need to be when the fish are biting. Anglers who face the beating summer sun and temperatures approaching triple-digits, just as easy as they battle cold nor’easter conditions and crashing waves. These are surf fishermen. Their pursuit leads them to desolate stretches of beaches where there isn’t another human for miles.



The fall migration of redfish cause anglers to do nearly anything for the prospect of getting a bite from a 50-pound bull. As the redfish chase bait into the surf, so do other predators and large sharks and rays can get in the way of the target species. While these two anglers were in search of fish, they found something much more valuable: solitude.